The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND "blueletterbible.com".
**********恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers http://honortheforefathers.blogspot.com/
拉結生 Rachel sons http://rachelsons.blogspot.com/
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
Use this link if you cannot view the links within group.

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期為"七十個七 70X7"張貼所包。
"Buddha" period was covered within the "七十個七 70X7" posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/
"China" 基礎於"仲國" 那亞伯拉罕和一些他的親戚是迦勒底人。 就此"chi-na"表示"迦勒底人的後人”, 不同於其他迦勒底人的姓氏(陳及更多), 當然其中也有些是亞伯拉罕及他的親戚的後人。
"China" was based on "Second nation of Abraham" that Abraham and some of his relatives were Chaldean. It was then "chi-na" meant "children of Chaldean" that was different from others with Chaldean family names (Chen, Chan, and more) that certainly some are of Abraham and the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/

太公 = 公(含是祖宗)
看看 Read 輩份 Generations
輩份之分 By Generations
姜太公 (姜子牙 Jiang Ziya) = 來自 from 姜 (基訓 Gihon) 的太 the very first 公/含 Ham ? Only carry the family name “姜姓 of Gihon”的太 that was the very first that had 公(音)/含 Ham sound? One of the family name “姜姓 of Gihon”的太 that was the very first that had 公(音)/含 Ham sound 之一(基 based 於 on 是誰的 who’s 寫作 writing、代寫 ghostwriter、或 or 抄作 plagiarism)?
H1521 גיחון (ghē·khone') 基訓 Gihon
看看 Read 聯意(世孫)用二 associate apply meaning 2
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1 http://associateapplymeaning1.blogspot.com/
大禹(夏后氏)治 managed and 平 calmed 水 the flooding vs 孟子(三過其門而不入)
大 first 禹(of 夏 Nahor 后氏)
= 伯益/法勒 Peleg “H3370 יקשן (yok·shän') 約珊 Jokshan”
Mencius 孟 is part of the 子 tribe
= 伯翁/約坍 Joktan “H2700 חצרמות (khats·ar·mä'·veth) 子族/哈薩瑪非 Hazarmaveth ”
孟子 Mencius, 離婁(孟子弟子 a student of Mencius)下 part 2, 「禹、稷當平世,三過其門而不入。」
三過其門而不入 passed by his own house and not getting into it
= The house of 禹的家 was 在 on 十字路口 the cross road? The house of 禹的家 was 在 on a road that 必經 must be passed by 之路?
大 = 尊敬的 respectable、官 an official、長子 an oldest child、the descendants of 長子 the oldest child 之後代等等 so on and so forth。
禹 = the very 禹 himself、有名 who’s name was “禹”的、who’s name 有 had “禹”sound 音的等等 so on and so forth。
例如 An example:
禹太公 H2983 יבוסי (yeb·ü·sē') 吳/五/伍/田/耶布斯人 Jebusite
“禹”(音) sound 歸屬 under “太公/含 Ham”
看看 Read 三苖, 歸藏易 vs 周易 Combinations within vs Zoar
第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
平 = 平天下、或是 ...。
看看 摩西 Moses 平天下
摩西 Relating To Moses http://relatingtomoses.blogspot.com/
Who could “大禹” be 會是誰?
伯禹 H3103 יובב (yo·bäb') 約巴 Jobab (son of 約坍 Joktan 之子)
伯 = Eber (father of 約坍 Joktan 之父),
= 屬於 of 法勒 Peleg 或 or 屬於 of 約坍 Joktan, 視乎 depends 其文 on the writing
夏禹 H3370 יקשן (yok·shän') 約珊 Jokshan (son of 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 之子)
夏 = Nahor (grandfather of 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 之祖父),
= 屬於 of 法勒 Peleg
禹太公 H2983 יבוסי (yeb·ü·sē') 吳/五/伍/田/耶布斯人 Jebusite (grandson of 含 Ham 之孫)
太公 = 含 Ham
光宗耀祖 bring honor to one's ancestors = 3 generations within 祖宗十八代 the 18 generations of the forefathers from Adam 內的三代、或 or 三皇五帝 3 and 5 respectables 等等 so on and so forth。
看看 Read 三皇五帝 The respectables of 3's and 5's
輩份之分 By Generations http://bygenerations.blogspot.com/
事實上 in fact 事實 facts vs 理論 theories (科 science 幻 friction)的分不開 cannot tell apart 是因為 because of 洗腦 being brain washed, 衹不過 it is about 把 putting 理論 the theory 當作 as 事實 the fact。
地球 earth 在 on 軌道上 the orbit 是 is 理論 theories (科 science 幻 friction), 不是 not 絕對的 an absolute 事實 fact, 是 is 相對的 a relative 理論 theories (科 science 幻 friction)。
The age of 地球 the earth 的年齡是 is 理論 theory (科 science 幻 friction) of the suggestion from 數學 the math 的建議, 數學 math 是 is 理論 theory 是 is 定義 definition。
1 = 1 是 is 理論 a theory? 是 is 定義 a definition? 上 going up into 太空 the space 是不是 is it not 要 have to have 1 = 1?
財富 wealth 是 is 理論的定義 a definition of a theory, 人 human 不是 is not 定義 a definition。
人的姓 the family name of people 是 is 理論 a theory 是 is 定義 a definition, 是 is 人云亦云 conform to what one perceives to be the majority view, 不是 it is not 絕對的 an absolute thing, 例如 for example 耶穌 Jesus 降生 came to the world on 當年的 the year that 報名上冊 the registration 是 was 當地的第一次 the very first time for the place。
看看 Read 1天, 因有一嬰孩為我們而生 For unto us a child is born
耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/
看看 Read 10個類型的在場人 10 types of witnesses
看看 Read 在場的人的10類動機 10 kinds of intentions
十字架七言 The 7 Speeches On The Cross http://the7speechesonthecross.blogspot.com/
有 there is 真中真 the real of the real, 有 there is 真中有假 the phony as part of the real, 有 there is 假中有真 the real as part of the phony, 有 there is 假中假 the phony of the phony。特地 It was especially 為了 for 建立 building 於 based on 希伯萊文 Hebrew, 至於 as for 其次的 the lesser 規範 rules 有 there were: the 易 Change 法 Method、尊重 the respect、時期 the period、作者 the author、目的 the purpose、選用 the select and use、作用 the action、… 等 on and on。
明白 To realize、理解 to understand、瞭解 to comprehend 所餘無幾的 the not much essays left behind by 前人的 the authors of the ancient time 作文有 have 一定的 the certain 問題 difficulties, 應有盡有的 all that could be used 將 to let 各種 all 有可能的 the possibles 全都 completely apply toward 相信 believe、接受 accept、研析 and analyze them。
菲律賓 Philippine
有 there was 平安大使 Peace Ambassador, 比丘尼(尼姑) Buddhist nun, 八斗 with great talent, 三斗篷船 junk boat, 洪水 Flood, 蠻 south 夷 east 戎 west 狄 north, 西 west 周 Zaor, 西域 Western Regions, “三代”3 generations, 法勒 Peleg, ...等 and so on。
看看 Read 第三日 The 3rd day
草木 The Flood And Science Living Things
3252 יסכה (yis·kä') 21s少康 Iscah
Those of Iscah lived on 夷 the east side of China 中的少康在 before 前2090年 B.C.前在中國, 因為 because 亞伯拉罕 Abraham was at age 75歲是 in 前2090年 B.C.
創世記 12:4 亞伯蘭就照著耶和華的吩咐去了;羅得也和他同去。亞伯蘭出哈蘭的時候年七十五歲。
Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.
在 the descendants in 菲律賓 the Philippine 的後裔可能 could 是 be 在 in the 前1900's 年代 B.C., 洪水 The Flood 在 was in 前2455年 B.C., 法勒 Peleg was in 前2356年 B.C., 所以 so that 最早 the earliest 在 in 菲律賓 the Philippine 的 was 在 in 前2356年 B.C., 韓國 Korea 的 had 檀君 Joktan 是 being in 前2333年 B.C.
Those of 雅弗 Japheth 的後代最早在 waere the earliest arrived in 菲律賓 the Philippine
創世記 10:5 這些人的後裔將各國的地土、海島分開居住,各隨各的方言、宗族立國。
Genesis 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
Those of 含 Ham 的後代後到 arrived in 菲律賓 the Philippine later
創世記 10:8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。
Genesis 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
10:9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」
Genesis 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
看看 伯夷36世孫!
聯意(世孫)用二 associate apply meaning 2
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1 http://associateapplymeaning1.blogspot.com/
創世記 10:21 雅弗的哥哥閃,是希伯子孫之祖,他也生了兒子。
Genesis 10:21 Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born.
Those of 閃 Shem 的後代最後 were the last ones arrived 到 in 菲律賓 the Philippine
Those of 閃的後代 Shem 最早 were the earliest 在 arrived in 美國 where the USA is,所以 so that 最後 they were the last 到 arrived 菲律賓 the Philippine。
有可能的 the possible 原因 reasons
希伯來 the Hebrew 話 tongue 因 because of 距離 the distance 出現 became 兩 2 種 kinds, those of 該隱 Cain 的後代 spoke 一種 a kind, those of 塞特 Seth 的後代 spoke 一種 a kind。
然後 then were the mother and wives of 閃 Shem、含 Ham、雅弗 Japheth 的母親與妻子們, 最少 at the least 帶 brought 進 in 4個變化了 changed 的文字 written 組合 combinations。
用 having around 100年 years 左右將 to collet 天下所有 all 知識 the knowledge in the world 在 before 洪水 the Flood 前收藏 to put 在 in 挪亞 the Noah’s 方舟 Ark。
在 from 天下 around the world 發現 discoveries 過去的 of 遺物 the things of the past 見到 found 詳細 the detail 記賬 accounting method 並 and 方式簿 the books。
The buildings on the mountains in 印度河流域 the Indus Valley 的山區建築物並 and 社區 society 組織 organization。
皮革 leather (輕 light、面積大 large in area、體積小 small in volume、浮水 float、要 had 加上 to add chemical 防止 to prevent 霉爛 mold and or rot 劑)紀錄 the record 簿 books 一說 according to some (the way that 方舟 the Ark 收藏 collecting 知識 knowledge 途徑), the catalog of 圖書的 the books 目錄方便 made it easy 找到 to locate the knowledge that were written on 皮革 the leather 上寫的知識, 石頭 the stone 並 and 小型 small 物件 stuffs (沉重 heavy、damage 容易 easy 破壞、散亂 too loose to be organized、體積大 big in volume), 所以 that was why 有 there were the records of 神農 Adam 嚐 tasted 百草 all kinds of the herbs、日曆 calendar、語言 language、文字 writing 等等 and so on。
挪亞方舟 http://www.thedaysofnoah.com/
亞當的the growth of the 第12th 代 generation of Adam 的成長有 were 藥物 medicine、日曆 calendar、語言 language、文字 writing 等等 and so on。
公/太公: 11h 含 Ham。 公子 son of Ham: 12h 弗 Phut (行醫 practice medicine), 12h 古實 Cush (語言 language、文字 writing), 12h 迦南 Canaan, 12h 麥西 Mizraim (埃及 Egypt)。
看看 輩份之分 By Generations http://bygenerations.blogspot.com/
口頭 verbally 傳的 passed on 語言 language (因 because of 距離 the distance 並 and 拋離 forsaken 文化 the culture 出現 turned up 無文字的 the no writing form 語言 language)。
任何人 anyone 都知 knows that 單單 only takes 一 a 代 generation 就可以 could 將 let 有文字的 writing form 語言 language 轉成為 into 口頭 verbally 傳的 passed on 語言 language。
口頭 verbally 傳的 passed on 語言 language, 一代 generation 一代的 after generation 因 because of 距離 the distance 出現 turned up 變 varied 種 kind of the language。(例如 for example, there are the differences of 一個 a 鄉言 dialect 在 in 本土 where it originated 與 compares to 天下所有 world wide 非 not 本土 original ones 所存在的差異。)
The oldest language family 世界 in the world 上最古老語系是 was 相對的 a relatively 理論 theory, 是 was after the 前2400's年代 B.C.後的理論 theory, 同出 having the same 一源 origin 不 not 提 being mentioned 是 was 怕 afrid that 理論上的人的 the beginning of the people in the theory 開始會 could come to 不攻自破 being discredited。例如 for example that 人人 everyone 都知 knows that 簡體 the Simplified 中文 Chinese = after the 1950's年代後的文物 historical relics, 出土的 unearthed historical relics with 簡體 the Simplified 中文 Chinese 文物 = after the 1950's年代後的就 than 確定 is certain that 絕對 absolutely 不會 would not be 錯 wrong。虛假的 the phony 文物 historical relics = before the 1950's年代前有 having historical relics with 簡體 the Simplified 中文 Chinese 文物。人的開始 the beginning of human 是 was 絕對的 an absolute 事實 fact, 永遠不會 never 是 was 相對的 a relative 理論 theory。人的開始 the beginning of human 就用 used 希伯萊文 Hebrew 是 was 絕對的 an absolute 事實 fact。亞當 Adam 是 was 絕對的 an absolute 事實 fact。
看看 2008年3月20日提出 032008之02又02並01
提出的探討 The Discussions Box http://thediscussionsbox.blogspot.com/
Those of 炎(該隱 Cain)的後代導 lead 入 into
測繪 surveyed and drew 世界 world 地圖 map 在 on 皮革 the leather 上
創世記 4:20 亞大生雅八;雅八就是住帳棚、牧養牲畜之人的祖師。
Genesis 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
帳棚 tent 是 was after 洪水 The Flood 後最 the most 現成 readily available 也是 as well as 最 the most 容易 easy 築的 to build 建築物 building, 霉爛 when rotting 可以將 could just get rid of 建築物 the building 清除, 省 save 力 energy 省 save 時 time, 無憂無慮 nothing to worry about。
繪的工具 the tools to draw with
創世記 4:22 洗拉又生了土八‧該隱;他是打造各樣銅鐵利器的(或譯:是銅匠鐵匠的祖師)。土八‧該隱的妹子是拿瑪。
Genesis 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
Name of 地方 the place 的名稱
從 from 殘留的 what is left of 一些 some names of 地方 the places 的名稱, 人人 everyone 可以 could 注意到 have the attention toward 所提示的 the reminding 時代 of that epoch。洪水 the Flood 在 was the before 前2400's年代 B.C. 前的表達 expression 是 was 欣賞 to admire 是 was 享受 to enjoy。After 洪水 the Flood 後在 in the 前2300's年代 B.C. 的 is 表達 to express 是 as 恐懼 fear 是 as 迷茫 bewildered。其後 thereafter 在 in 前2000"s年代 B.C. 雜亂 all mixed 難明 hard to understand 因 because of 距離 the distance 並 and 拋離 forsook 文化 the culture 出現 came up with 無文字的 the no writing form 語言 language 。接下來 next the 前1200's年代 B.C. 是 was 掌握 to master 是 was 歸屬 bring belong to。接著 following that 入 into the 第1st 步 step of 姓氏 family names 彙整 collect and organize 於 in the 前1100's年代 B.C. 是 was 劇情化 being the story line 是 was 希伯萊文化 into the Hebrew meanings。接着 after that 入 into the 第2nd 步 step of 姓氏 the family names 彙整 collect and organize 於 in the 前700's年代 B.C. 混合 mixed with 許多 much 發音 pronunciation 搭配的 to match up into 劇情化 being the story line。公元 Christian Era 是 was about 記事化 the record base。接著 then 是 was 在 in the year 公元1000是 was 個別化 to be individualized。其後 later 是 was about 自大化 being arrogant 恐懼化 being fearful, 缺少 lack having 有意義的 the meaningful 純希 pure 伯萊文 Hebrew 音 sound 為 as 基礎 the foundation, 沒 not having 有意義的 the meaningless 胡亂 recklessly 取名 to name, 開始 began to 全然 completely 失落化 being loss 俗語化 being colloquialized。
After 洪水 the Flood 後 the names of 地方 the places 的名稱在 on 皮革 the leather 地圖上 map, 地形 the terrain 詳盡 was being detailed, 距離 the distance 清晰 was very distinct。 After 洪水 the Flood 後在 in the 前2300's年代 B.C. 對 faced the expressing 地方 a place 的表達是 with 恐懼 fear 是 being 迷茫 bewildered, 因為 because of 水 the water 不能 could not 去得 recede 那麼 that 快 quickly, 地球 the earth 是 is 球體 a sphere, the water level of 洪水 the Flood 的水蓋 reached 到 the 最高峰的 highest mountain 水量 the volume was 很巨大 immense, 較低 lower 較平 more flatten 的地形 terrain 需要 need to have 一 a 定 certain number of 的年日 years 從 from 水洩不通 not one drop able to be lessen 成 to 為 become 地下 the underground 水 water。所以 so the order of 創世記 Genesis 的順序是 was 雅弗 Japheth、含 Ham、閃 Shem。海島 the islands 要 have to 航行 sail to, 航行 sailing 要 require 人頭 a number of people to carry out, 人頭 the number of people 要 have to be 分為 into 造船 the shipbuilding 和 and 航行 the sailing, 人頭 the number of the people 先要 must have to 長大 grow up to the age, 樹木 the trees 先要 must have to 生長 grow to the usable size 。The descendants of 閃的 Arphaxad 的後代 were the 最早 earliest 在 arrived ones in 美國 where the USA is, 隨著 along with 遷徙時 the migrating 後代 the descendants 長大 grew to the age, 不用 no need to 浪費 waste 年日 the years 便在 to be in 美國 where the USA is, 簡易 simple 從容 and at ease。天氣 the weather 增長 grew 植物 the plants 成 to 為 become 食物 food, 水 water 不成為 was not 障礙 in the way to have, 成為 it became the force in 幫助 helping of 增長 the growing of 食物 food 的動力。
在 in 臺灣 Taiwan 可以 one could 找到 find the names of the places 地方名是 were that the before the Flood 洪水前的表達的 expressions in 希伯來話 Hebrew。The words for 時期的 the period 用字與 against the spread of the population after 洪水 the Flood 後的人口蔓延不 not having 合 a match, 那 that 表達 expression 是不可能 could not 出現的 exist。臺灣 Taiwan 在 is between 菲律賓 the the Philippine 與 and 日本 the Japan 之間, 人口 the population 蔓延的 spread 時期 periods 又 also 不可能 could not 出現 came up with 那 those 表達 expressions。那 those 希伯來話的 Hebrew 表達 expressions 一定 certainly 是 was of those on the map of before 洪水 the Flood 前的地圖上的。
看看 第三日 The 3rd day
草木 The Flood And Science Living Things
A language of 菲律賓 the Philippine 的語言Tagalog
看看 菲律賓語言字典 These Philippine Dictionaries http://thesephilippinedictionaries.blogspot.com/
taga = 來自 from
ilog = 河 river
Tagalog = 來自 from 河 the river
i = al 神 God (各種 all kinds of 語言 the languages 常用 in common usage, 就 just 如 as “tsoor” 一樣常用 in common usage。)
i = ē 海島 (0339 אי)
看看 死無葬身之地 Dead Without Burial
草木 The Flood And Science Living Things
The points that relate 神 God 與 with 海島 island 連通處:
0427 אלה (al·lä') 橡樹 oak, terebinth
from 0424 אלה (ā·lä') valley valley where 童子大衛 David 殺死 killed 哥利亞 Goliath 的谷, 松脂 terebinth, 橡樹 terebinth tree
上海 Shanghai 話 dialect “我 I” = אלה (ā·lä')
當然 certainly 全球 the world with 各 all 種 kinds of 方言 the dialects 來 came 自 from 挪亞家的 the 希伯來話 the Hebrew of the family of Noah, 必 must 有 have 希伯來話 the Hebrew 在其中 within。肯定 definitely 有不相信的 there will have the ones that do not believe by 信 believe 堅信 firmly about 自己 oneself that 絕對 absolutely 不與 having nothing to do with 希伯來話 the Hebrew 有關系。發出 sound out 不同音 the varied sound 的 of 希伯來話 the Hebrew, is it 然後 then 就不是 not 希伯來話 the Hebrew at all 嗎? 姓 family name 是 is 理論 the theory 是 is 定義 the definition, can one absolutely not being a Hebrew by 人云亦云 conforming to what one perceives to be the majority view 自己就絕對不是希伯來人嗎?
例如 for example:
士師記 12:4 於是耶弗他招聚基列人,與以法蓮人爭戰。基列人擊殺以法蓮人,是因他們說:「你們基列人在以法蓮、瑪拿西中間,不過是以法蓮逃亡的人。」
Judges 12:4 Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim: and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said, Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, and among the Manassites.
士師記 12:5 基列人把守約旦河的渡口,不容以法蓮人過去。以法蓮逃走的人若說:「容我過去。」基列人就問他說:「你是以法蓮人不是?」他若說:「不是」,
Judges 12:5 And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so , that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay;
士師記 12:6 就對他說:「你說『示播列』。」以法蓮人因為咬不真字音,便說「西播列」。基列人就將他拿住,殺在約旦河的渡口。那時以法蓮人被殺的有四萬二千人。
Judges 12:6 Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
絕對 the absolute 是 is 勝於 better than 雄辯 the eloquent, 理論 the theory 不是 is not 事實 the fact, 定義 the definition 不是 is not 事實 the fact, 事實 the fact 就是 is 事實 the fact。觀察 the observation 是 is 理論 the theory, 根據 according to 是 is 理論 the theory, 科學化 scientifically 是 is about 理論 the theory, 與 relate to 人 human 有關 as being 是的 right 全是 are all 理論 the theories 全是 are all 定義 the definitions。三呎以內 within 3 feet from one that 人 one 瞭解的 can realize 全是 are all 理論 the theories。莊周 Zhuangzi “夢蝶 The Butterfly Dream”是 is 事實 the fact 不是 it was not 理論 a theory。科學 the science 不能 cannot 證實 confirm 衹 only 能 can use 論證 argument on 您可能源出那 what “類 race” of the origin that you possibly originated from, 因為 because “人種 race”全是 is completely 理論 the theories 全是 is completely 定義 the definitions。您可能是那 what ”類 race”的人 can you be? 可能 possibly ? 單單 only 是 can be 可能 possibly!
由 from 0352 איל (ah'·yil) 公綿羊 ram, 大樹 mighty tree, 松脂 terebinth, 強人 strong man, 領袖 leader, 長官 chief, 柱子 pillar, 門柱 door post, 門框 jambs, 壁柱 pilaster
由 from 0193 אול (ül) 顯著性 prominence
0336 אי (ē) 不 not
由 from 0335 אי (ah'ē) 何處 where? 來自何方 whence? 那一個 which? 如何 how?
創世記 3:9 耶和華 神呼喚那人,對他說:「你在哪裏?」
Genesis 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
由 from 0370 אין (ah·yin') 哪裡 where? 何處 whence?
0369 אין (ah'·yin) 無物 nothing, 不 not, 空無 nought, 沒有 without
0338 אי (ē) 嚎叫中的 howling 獸 beast, 豺狼 jackal
由 from 0337 אי (ē) 唉 alas!, 悲哀 woe!
由 from 0188 אוי (o'·ē) 悲哀 woe! 唉 alas! 哦 oh! 因著悲傷或絕望而痛哭 passionate cry of grief or despair
並 and 0339 אי (ē) 海岸 coast, 海島 island, 水邊 shore, 地區 region
創世記 10:5 這些人的後裔將各國的地土、海島分開居住,各隨各的方言、宗族立國。
Genesis 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
由 from 0183 אוה (ä·vä') 渴望 desire, 傾向 incline, 貪圖 covet, 渴望地等待 wait longingly, 願望 wish, 嘆 sigh, 要 want, 貪心 be greedy, 偏向 prefer
river 河 = 最 most 尊重 respected 更 even 重視 very valued 的 one 有 had 伊甸園 Garden of Eden 的 that had these 四條 4 河 rivers
1) 6376 פישון (pē·shone') 比遜河 Pison
2) 姜 Jiang 等 and more 有 had “女 female”字 character 的 as part of the 姓 family name 的 meaning 1521 גיחון (ghē·khone') 基訓河 Gihon
3) 菲律賓的 the 1st sound of the “Cebu” 語言 language of the Philippine 的第一音同 same 音 sound in 2313 חדקל (khid·deh'·kel) 希底結河 Hiddekel
但以理書 Daniel (前600's年代 B.C.) 中的 has "大河 great river"
4) 神 God 與 had 亞伯拉罕立約 covenant with Abraham 的 6578 פרת (per·äth') 幼發拉底河 Euphrates (it was very valued in 啟示錄 Revelation 中重視的)
以上 the above 是 drew a line with 洪水 The Flood 為界的 in the 前2400's年代 B.C.
接下來 next 的是 is 5104 נהר (nä·här 內河) 河流 river that was in 在前1300's年代 B.C. 的應許 The Promised 之地 Land
Tagalog 順 followed 序 the order of 創世記 Genesis 的 that was 雅弗 Japheth、含 Ham、閃 Shem。
挪亞 Noah 建立有 established 三合一 the joined 3 into 1 為 as 姓 the family name &名 name that 合成 came to “Tagalog” (前2390's年代 - 前2340's年代 B.C.)
陀迦瑪 Togarmah (雅弗 Japheth) + 革迦撒人 Girgashite (含 Ham) + 沙拉 Salah (閃 Shem)
The son of 12j 歌篾 Gomer 高棉 Khmer (柬埔寨 Cambodia) 之子
8425 תגרמה (to·gar·mä') (13j) 陀迦瑪 Togarmah
看看 覆水難收 Water spilt
亞當、巴別 The Flood And Language http://thefloodandlanguage.blogspot.com/
The son of 12h 迦南 Canaan 之子
1622 גרגשי (ghir·gä·shē') (13h) 革迦撒人 Girgasite/Girgashite
看看 (井田制推行人之一, 山東田姓)
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 associate apply meaning 1
看看 山東有以音得田姓
聯音一 Associate Sound 1
The son of 12s 亞法撒 Arphaxad (最早 the earliest ones 在 arrived in 美國 where the USA is)之子
7974 שלח (sheh'·lakh) (13s) 沙拉 Salah / Shelah 前2420年 B.C.
三代 3 generations: the father of 伯夷的伯/希伯 Eber 之父、the grandfather of (法勒 Peleg 前2350年 B.C. + 約坍 Joktan)之祖父
Cebu (Cebuano)
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斯坦(三代) stan(3 generations)
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
前1405年-前1004年 B.C. 以色列的 the 12支派 tribes of Israel 與 and the descendants of the son of 迦南 Canaan 的子 being 耶布斯 Jebusite (the brother of 革迦撒 Girgashite 的弟兄)的後代同 together 居 lived in 迦南 Canaan。
3667 כנען (ken·ah'·an) 迦南 Canaan
創世記 10:15 迦南生長子西頓,又生赫
Genesis 10:15 And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, Sidon:
創世記 10:16 和耶布斯人、亞摩利人、革迦撒人、
Genesis 10:16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite,
2983 יבוסי (yeb·ü·sē') Jebusite 耶布斯人 Jebusite = descendants of 耶布斯 Jebus 之後人
由 from
2982 יבוס (yeb·üs') 耶布斯 Jebus = 打穀之地 threshing place
由 from
0947 בוס (büs) 踩踏 tread down, 拒絕 reject, 踐踏 trample down
Cebu = 迦南 Canaan + 耶布 Jebus (B0B1+C0C1=B0C1)
看看 拼音一sound base 1
拼字一 Construct Chinese 1 http://constructchinese1.blogspot.com/
Cebu 吳 Wu、伍 Wu、五 Wu (耶布斯人 Jebusite) 在 during the 前1300's年代-前1000's年代 B.C. 與 along with 以色列的 the 12支派 tribes of Israel 同 jointly 到 arrived 菲律賓 the Philippine。
看看 吳越才高八斗 Very talented
亞當、巴別 The Flood And Language http://thefloodandlanguage.blogspot.com/
Before 前1400's年代 B.C.前開始 began to 分佈 spread over 全球 the world
“吳 Wu”、”伍 Wu”、”五 Wu”, 加 add 上 on “福時 Fu Shi” (Je福bu時site)(高級將官 3rd highest ranking military officer)是 that became 名稱之一 one of the names。(是 it was one of the origins of the “福 Fu”姓 family name 來源之一。)
又 also “福 Fu”姓 had 來源之一 one of the origins 是 was that 行醫的公子 the son of Ham that practiced medicine was 6316 פוט (püt) (12h) 弗 Put / Phut
又 also those that are the ones like 姜 Jiang 等有 with “女”字的 as part of the character for the family name 姓的、”田 Tian”、”王 Wang”、以 having 地方名 the name of a place 得 to come up with 姓 the family name、以 with 官名 the official title 得 as 姓 the family name、以 by 拼 putting 音 the sound 的 together as 字 a character 得 to come to 姓 a family name、以 based on 音 sound 得 to have 姓 the family name、賜 emperor granted 姓 family name、搞錯 the mistake 得 resulted as 姓 the family name、… 等等 so on and so forth。基本上 basically 人人 everyone 都如此 got the family name in these ways 得姓, 是 it was 以 based on 理論 theory 以 based on 定義 definition 得 to result into 姓 a family name。簡單的說 To put in a simple way 是 that it is about “you are in 我 me 中有你, I am in 你 you 中有我。”就 it 是 is about “There is no such thing as 你 you or 我 me 不分”! Is it 也就是 about “夢蝶 The Butterfly Dream”? “我 I 夢着 dream as 是 a 蝴蝶 butterfly 還是 or 蝴蝶 a butterfly 夢着 dream 是 as 我 me”中 such 祇 only 有 have ”我 I 夢着 dream as 是 a 蝴蝶 butterfly”是 as 有可能的 the possible。 因為 because 人人 everyone 定 define 自己 self 是 as 真實的 being real, 又 also 因為 because of”眾人 everyone 皆 are 醉 drunk 而 but 我 I am 獨 the only one that is 醒 sober”是 is 底線 the bottom line, 定義 the definition 必須 must 是 be 真實的 real, 然後 then”蝴蝶 the butterfly 夢着 dreams 是 as 我 me”是 is 不 not 可能的 possible。 不 not 可能 possible? 單單 only 是 about 不 not 可能 possible! 誰是 who was 真中真 the real of the real, 誰是 who was 真中的假 the phony as part of the real, 誰是 who was 假中的真 the real as part of the phony, 又 and 誰是 who was 假中假 the phony of the phony。
1) The 第1st 步 step of 姓氏 family names generation was to 彙整 collect and organize 於 in the 前1100's年代 B.C. 在 in 歐洲 Europe, 地方的名稱 name of the place 在 was placed 後 at the end of the family name。
0207 אונו (o·no') 阿挪 Ono = 在便雅憫的一個城市 a city in Benjamin
Before 前1400's年代 B.C.前開始 began to 進入 enter 歐洲 Europe, the 第1st 步 step for 姓氏 family names generation was to 彙整 collect and organize, 因為 because of Ano 得 that the family name 姓 “Cebuano” was generated。
After 前1100's年代 B.C.後進入歐洲, 從 Ano 到歐洲後得姓 Cebuano。
2)因 because of 字意 the meanings of the word 拼 put together 姓 a family name
0042 אבינעם (ab·ē·no'·am) 亞比挪菴 Abinoam
Before 前1400's年代 B.C.前開始 began “我的父親 my father 是 is 快樂 delight”。
After 前1300's年代 B.C.後開始 began related 與 with 拿弗他利 Naphtali 有關系。
看看 門 Door
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1
看看 宗教 Religion
整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/
嫦娥 Chang’e/Chang-o 卉 went to 月 the moon = 我 I 嚐 tasted 月餅 the moon cake
嫦娥 Chang’e/Chang-o 反過來 reverse it 是 become 我嚐 I tasted
卉月 went to the moon 反過來 reverse it 是 become 月餅 moon cake
Mandaluyong (命大露容) = reverse each pair of the expression become 大命容露
命 order 大 emperor 反過來 reverse it 是 become 大命 order from the emperor
露 reveal 容 beauty 反過來 reverse it 是 become 容露 beauty look reveal
大命 = 大人 the emperor 有 gave 命 an order to 李白 Li Bai 寫 to write
清平調 Song of Purity and Peace
The cloud makes one thinks of your clothes and the flower makes one thinks of your beauty look
the spring breeze toward the balustrade turned the dews on the petal twinkling
If you are not like a fairy from the Jade Mountains
then must meet you being a goddess in the palace under the moonlight.
1) the studies = 雅弗 Japheth 人口 population 多 was great
天主教 Catholic 神父 Father = Madaluyong
= 8425 תגרמה (to·gar·mä') (13j) 陀迦瑪 Togarmah 大綠榕
= 4074 מדי (mä·dah'·ē) (12j) 瑪代 Madai / Maday 綠榕
西班牙人 Spanish 作者們 writers = Mandaluyong
= 蠻 very 大 big 綠 green 榕 banyan tree (using the character 這 during this 時期的 period 用字是 was 不 not 可能的 possible)
主禱文 The Lord's Prayer
用到 using the 1960's年代的文言文 Classical Chinese writing 聖經 Bible
“Father of 華中 the Central China 宣教 Mission 之父”楊格非 Griffith John (1831年-1912年) 在 in 中國 China (1855年-1911年)翻譯 translated 聖經 the Bible
我父在天 Our Father which art in heaven
願爾名聖 Hallowed be thy name
爾國臨格 Thy kingdom come
爾旨得成 Thy will be done
在地若天 in earth, as it is in heaven
所需之糧 our daily bread
今日賜我 Give us this day
我免人負 as we forgive our debtors
求免我負 And forgive us our debts
俾勿我試 And lead us not into temptation
拯我出惡 but deliver us from evil
與國權榮 and the power, and the glory
皆爾所有 For thine is the kingdom
爰及世世 for ever
誠心所願 Amen
After 1960's年代後
馬太福音 6:9 所以,你們禱告要這樣說:我們在天上的父:願人都尊你的名為聖。
Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
馬太福音 6:10 願你的國降臨;願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。
Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
馬太福音 6:11 我們日用的飲食,今日賜給我們。
Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
馬太福音 6:12 免我們的債,如同我們免了人的債。
Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
馬太福音 6:13 不叫我們遇見試探;救我們脫離兇惡(或譯:脫離惡者)。因為國度、權柄、榮耀,全是你的,直到永遠。阿們(有古卷沒有因為……阿們等字)!
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
2) 本土 local = Maharlika named Luyong
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非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
A) 三代 3 generations (曾 great 祖父 grandfather) = 長壽 longevity
4111 מהללאל (mah·hal·al·āl') (5se) 瑪勒列 Mahalaleel (895歲 years) (great grandfather of 瑪土撒拉 Methuselah 的曾祖父)
4968 מתושלח (meth·ü·sheh'·lakh)(8se) 瑪土撒拉 Methuselah (969歲 years) (great grandfather of 閃 Shem、含 Ham、雅弗 Japheth 的曾祖父)
B1) 三代 3 generations (祖父 grandfather) = 祖 ancestor
3929 למך (leh'·mek) (9se) 拉麥 Lamech ( grandfather of 閃 Shem、含 Ham、雅弗 Japheth 的祖父 )
++++++ 洪水後 after the Flood
B2) 法勒 Peleg 這邊 side 的 亞瑪力 Amalek
6389 פלג (peh'·leg) (15s) 法勒 Peleg 前2356年 B.C.
6002 עמלק (am·ä·lāk') (24s) 亞瑪力 Amalek
Luyong = family tree 家譜 = tree 樹
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斯坦(三代) stan(3 generations)
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
”綠 green 榕 banyan tree”
“大 big 綠 green 榕 banyan tree”
“壽 longevity 譜 record 刊 publication”
1) 綠榕
2) Spaniards “大綠榕”(家譜 family tree)
= 大 big 海浪 waves from the sea (洪水 Flood?)
= Salpukan ng Alon
Salpukan = "壽譜刊"
Alon = 4074 מדי (mä·dah'·ē) (12j) 瑪代 Madai / Maday 綠 green (榕 banyan tree)
“壽譜刊” 4074 מדי (mä·dah'·ē) (12j) 瑪代 Madai / Maday 綠 green (榕 banyan tree)
3) 蠻 very 大 big 綠 green 榕 banyan tree (using the character 這 during this 時期的 period 用字是 was 不 not 可能的 possible)
“門大 high ranking official 錄 record 容 content” 是 was 可能的 possible。
看看 門 Door
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1
daluyong = 海浪 tidal wave
大浪 billow + 喲 oh (using such an expression 這 during this 時期 period 的用字是 was 不 not 可能的 possible), before 前2400's 年代 B.C.前是 was 可能的 possible, but 表達 to express 是 was 不 not 可能的 possible。
所以 so 是 it was the individual expression of 幾個 many 故事的 stories 各自表達 grouped 一起 together then 傳 passed 給 on to 後人 people in the future, it was then being simplified 一代 generation 一代 after generation 的簡化, 殘留的 whatever was left 是 became 一 an 詞 expression for 一 a 故事 story, 仲國內 within the second nation of Abraham 是 was 極為 extremely 普遍 widespread 。
「大 big 錄 recorded 容 content」是 was 可能的 possible, 海嘯 tsunami, 那 that 是 was about「海嘯 tsunami 曾經 once 帶來 brought 有大 the great 死亡 death 記錄的 record 內容 content 載 recorded in 家譜 the family tree 之中」。
看看 門 Door
聯意(希伯萊文)用一 Associate Apply Meaning 1
看看 第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
Points 有關 about 希伯萊文 Hebrew、中文 Chinese、中文 Chinese 字 character、易 Change 法 Method 等的關系 with their relationship 點滴。
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斯坦(三代) stan(3 generations)
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
看看 八卦的線 Tai Chi lines
整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/
看看 丘孔子名丘 Kungze
聯想一 associate meaning 1 http://associatemeaning1.blogspot.com/
看看 子 חצרמות Hazarmaveth
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/
左 left: 逆轉 reverse 希伯萊文 Hebrew 寫法 writing order (中文 the Chinese 寫法 writes from 上 the top 至 to 下 the bottom) = 匹配一 match 1
右 right: 希伯萊文 Hebrew 寫法 writing order (the way to 寫 write 中文 the Chinese 字 character is from 右 the right column 至 to 左 the left column) = 聯想一 associate 1
上 top: 希伯萊文 Hebrew 音 sounds 位 order = 2700 חצרמות 薩瑪非 Hazarmaveth (中文 the Chinese 寫法 writes from 右 the right alphabet 至 to 左 the left left alphabet)
下 bottom: 逆轉 reverse 希伯萊文 Hebrew 字母 alphabet 位 order (one of the 易 Change 法 Methods 之一)
צ חצרמותו
看看 拔示巴 Bathsheba
聯想一 associate meaning 1 http://associatemeaning1.blogspot.com
看看 解 Detail
Example 2
循規蹈矩 Conform to the rules
其他中心 Mini Hub http://minihub.blogspot.com/
看看 吳 Jebusite
聯想一 associate meaning 1 http://associatemeaning1.blogspot.com/
看看 2) 內容 content
斯坦(三代) stan(3 generations)
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
從 from 一 a 小 small 部分 potion 的 of 字 the words 拼湊出 put together 部分 a part that 影響到 influenced 菲律賓的擇 the selected 要 important 時期 periods of the Philippine
前2300's年代 B.C. after 洪水 The Flood 後
前1900's年代 B.C. 少康 Iscah、亞伯拉罕 Abraham (the 12 tribes of 以實瑪利 Ishmael 的12支派)
前1800's年代 B.C. 亞伯拉罕 Abraham (以色列的 those of the 12支派 tribes of Israel that 沒有 did not 去過 get into 應許之地 the Promise Land 的)
前1300's年代 B.C. 亞伯拉罕 Abraham (以色列的應許之地 the Promise Land of 的 the 12支派 tribes of Israel)
前1030's年代 B.C. 西 west 周 Zaor 井田制度 well-field system
前600's年代 B.C. 仲國 the second nation of Abraham
前500's年代 B.C. 孔子名 the name of Confucius was 丘 on the bottom
前100's年代 B.C. 漢 Han Dynasty (三代、三皇五帝 the 3 and 5 respectables)
100's年代 衣索比亞 Ethiopia 成為 became 基督教 a Christian 國家 nation
500's年代 八斗 great talent
750's年代 唐 Tong Dynasty (李 Li 白 Bai)